I plan to continue donating my time and talents to Operation Hap-penis. This organization is great and it's growing quickly! Hypospadias is the second most common birth defect in the world and so few know about it...but not for long! With more volunteers and donations we can make a difference!

Like many boys with the most severe proximal hypospadias, Keegan has been through several surgeries. But now everything looks and works normal down there. We were lucky to find a team that has spent years trying to figure out the best way to fix boys like Keegan.

I will be forever grateful for Operation Happenis. Ever since the first message that was exchanged I have felt like my son and our family are their number one priority. After years of never telling anyone about my sons Hypospadias we finally found an organization that understands what we have been going through. It has completely changed our outlook on this condition. We have become more open about all that my son has been through in hopes to bring awareness to Hypospadias. Going into his 5th surgery and we have never felt stronger knowing that we have so much support.